воскресенье, 9 февраля 2020 г.


My first inspiration to music was my dad, because he tried to be a rapper at some point. I was raised by the Caucasian part of my family, so I didn't know much about my mom's side. I feel like I always have an angel with me, at all times. I used to play the bells at my church, and I also played the clarinet in high school. After dropping out of high school due to being overwhelmed by her mother's death, music became an outlet to escape from her reality. Neisha Neshae performs on Sat. neisha neshae on a cloud

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After dropping out of high school due to being overwhelmed by her mother's death, music became an outlet to escape from her reality. Social Media Facebook Twitter Instagram. What advice could you give to someone that is going through similar hardships?

I can't really say that she wouldn't be upset to know that I'm not in school right now, but I can say she would be very proud of the woman I am becoming.

I feel like I always have an angel with me, at all times.

neisha neshae on a cloud

Do you play any instruments or write your own songs? Trending in the Alternative Press. I would be rapping and singing. It has a lot of stuff people haven't got clips of. neiha

It's more like a melodic thing, it's very catchy. That didn't go very well, because I am biracial. Switch to the mobile version of this page. I also used to record myself on an iPod, and at the time I couldn't post it anywhere, but that was my way of learning how I sounded. I lost my mom my 11th-grade year neishw high school; that was on Valentine's night. The story is real deep. She's always there for me, when I'm going through things and when I'm not going through things.

neisha neshae on a cloud

I got used to that, and I always thought since I'm always the one being picked on about how angry I am. There are pn stations spinning "On a Cloud" right now.

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Metro Times 30 E. That's going to be really fire. If you could collaborate with any artists, who would you like to collaborate with? I'm in the booth now, I'm not recording on an iPod no more [laughs], so it's really a blessing.

After I got out of that, I went and lived with my aunt and my grandpa.

Neisha Neshae Performs “On a Cloud” At Summer Jamz 21 [VIDEO]

I used to play the bells at my nesae, and I also played the clarinet in high school. I was the angry one, the one that couldn't do anything.

neisha neshae on a cloud

Most Popular Most Read. A lot of trials and tribulations.

How involved are nesyae in the creation of your music? Don't let anything stop you. Before her Helluva-produced single "On a Cloud" got popular, the year-old's life had cooud full of storms. Latest in Local Music Why pop-punk princess Avril Lavigne is still the real deal — and grateful to be alive Sep 25, September 1, My aunt is the one who really raised me most of my life, but I was always like the odd child.

Neisha on a cloud

If you're intact with who you are inside, it makes everything 10 times greater. I was raised by my mom for like a year, and then me and my sister got taken away from her. When I say I'm on a cloud and never coming down it means I accomplished all of this — I've made it to my cloud and I'm never coming down. Detroit, MI Main:

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